Samanar Hills – Madurai

Samanar Hills, mainly tell us about Jains and Jainism.
It is believed that Samanar (Tamil Jains) saints lived here. So, it was named Samanar hills (Malai). It is situated at Keelakuilkudi village that is 15kms away from Madurai.
The hill shows many inscriptions and sculptures that dates back to the 9th century BCE.
There are two main sculptures Settipodavu and Pechipallam that show Tirthankaras of Jain monks.
Settipodavu shows the image of Mahavira Jain, the last Tirthankara. Pechipallam shows eight sculptures that include Mahavira Jain and Bahubali. It is said that Jains believe that even their breath can kill organisms such as bacteria etc.
Hence, they would kill themselves by fasting and without breathing. Here, evidence of the same can be witnessed in the form of inscriptions.
Stone beds can be seen, where the monks used to rest. The main place to know about Jains and Jainism.
To have a different experience, you must visit this place.